On Mon, August 4, 2008 10:14, vegard wrote:
> For naming of streets in cities, where properties change very often and
> you have to make many small ways, it sometimes gets annoying that the
> name is duplicated.
> I was wondering: How good/easy would it be to make a superway-relation
> to fix that? I.e. group several ways for labeling-intentions?
> I'm no expert on the inner workings in either of the renderers, but to
> me it sounds like a quick fix to a small annoyance. If someone that
> knows the renderers could either agree or disagree, I'd be happy anyways
> (well, obviously happier if they agree :)

Actually there is a 'mantra' on a german mailing list stating that,
"we are not tagging for the renderer"
But matter of factly a similar idea crosses my mind from time to time.
Proposing a tag-combination:
name = Mainstreet (e.g.)
displayzoom = 12

label = yes : This would mean that the node has no physical representation
name  = 'foo': Label to be displayed
displayzoom = nn : the zoomfactor (or higher) that will result in
displaying the label at a given zoomrate.

'Labelling' like this could also help when there are many labels/captions
to be displayed in a given area and avoid interference - IMHO


|        harry w. graner
|mail:   hy [_at_] sha-mash  [_dot_] de
[public gpg-key on request]

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