On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 06:50:46AM +0100, Peter Miller wrote:

> I think there are two messages here, firstly we should be really careful
> about voting for new features in the core tagging list unless they are
> strictly necessary,

Hear, hear! +1

> and secondly when a tag does get added then we should
> look for rapid adoption across the main applications.

speaking for osmarender at least, that would require somebody who feels 
responsible for the style sheets and takes care of that. Jiri Klement has been 
doing a good job at improving things. But it still doesn't have a CSO (Chief 
Style Officer :-)).

And second each added tag makes a) parsing slower b) the stylesheet more 
unreadable (for maintainers). So adding tags as they are added to the core 
features list would require some confidence that the addition process is sane 
and careful (which goes against the wiki principle on that page and which goes 
against the current voting behavior too)

I, personally, am not very keen to implement 
Sundays:OnLeftSide:SkiingRouteWithoutSnowboards:ButHikersOK=path (I think I 
have stepped on enough toes now ;-))
just because 2 people think it would be nifty and useful.

OSM is a kingdom divided in pricipalities. And each of this principality is 
governed by a "Benevolent Dictator" with very different views on how and what 
OSM is and how/what maps should look like. You will never see the same features 
rendered on Mapnik as on osmarender. And that is OK, even if it makes the maps 
look different. Whether it is the right governance structure s a different 
question, but changing that would require employing all of us :-)


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