
   this is my report on undoing the changes made by user "Dmitry 
Olyenyov" on 9/10 September.

A total of 76.109 nodes and 8.919 ways were edited in that time span by 

Of the 76.109 nodes:

- 73.724 were modified or deleted with Dmitry's being the last edit

   - all of these were restored to the previous verision by the undo
     process. The people who had last edited these nodes before Dmitry
     (and whose version has been restored) are: 24.718 AkMeR, 17.481
     alexfrol, 14.071 katpatuka, 9.070 Max Vasilev, 1.514 Digy, and
     44 other users with less than 1.000 edits each.

- 1.642 were created

    - of these, 713 had been deleted already by someone else when my
      script went to work.
    - 250 could not be deleted by my script because they had been
      incorporated into ways that were NOT reverted, and so could not
      be deleted.
    - 679 nodes were deleted by the script.

- 743 were modified or deleted with someone else having edited them
     after Dmitry (734 AkMeR, 9 Johnny Carlsen). These were not touched
     by the script.

A further 2.063 nodes had been deleted by *other* people (mostly 
"alexfrol" it seems) in the mean time, but were needed to reconstruct 
the ways to the state they were in befor Dmitry touched them. So I 
undeleted these nodes. (It seems that Dmitry's actions may have left 
these nodes sitting around unconnected somehow, and then someone else 
came along and removed them?)

Of the 8.919 ways,

    - 487 were created by Dmitry; 479 of these were deleted by the
      script. 3 had been deleted by someone else already, and 5 could
      not be deleted as they seem to be part of relations:

    - 7.947 had been modified or deleted by Dmitry and were reverted
      to the previous state by the script (previous editors: 2.406
      AkMeR, 2.002 katpatuka, 1.510 alexfrol, 540 Digy, plus 49 more with
      less than 500 edits).

    - 81 had been modified by someone else in the mean time and were
      not touched by the script.

    - 404 could not be reverted right away because some nodes for them
      were missing; after re-instating the 2.063 nodes mentioned
      above, all of these ways could be reverted to the pre-Dmitry
      version as well.

I hope that while a few isolated spots of trouble remain, this has 
remedied the bulk of the problem.

I would like to find out more about how exactly this happened, to 
perhaps improve our tools to avoid such accidents in the future.

I can provide detailed lists of the object IDs for any of the 
aforementioned groups in case someone wants to do manual checks.

@AkMeR: I hope your work looks right again now - you are a very prolific 
mapper indeed.

@Dmitry: Don't worry, shit happens. Tell us what exactly happened.


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