On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 11:58 AM, Richard Fairhurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> 80n wrote:
> > This is an interesting topic which is well worth discussion, but to
> > return to the original question for a moment.  The issue is that
> > mapnik is not capable of rendering a way that is both a path and an
> > area.  The example given was highway=service, amenity=parking.
> > [...]
> > Suggesting that the data be changed to accommodate the deficiency of a
> > particular renderer is very much a case of mapping for the renderer.
>  This
> > is a principle that is important to uphold.  Fix the renderer not the
> data.
> Getting into specifics a bit (they both qualify as "the renderer"),
> this is perhaps more an osm2pgsql issue than a Mapnik issue.

Agreed.  And something that should be fixed, right?

> cheers
> Richard
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