On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Christoph Boehme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> 80n <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Regardless of whether people are centerlineists or not, there are
> > always going to be mappers who will tag ways this way.  We have a
> > free form tagging scheme so we cannot prohibit such things.  For
> > example, a way tagged as highway=waterway, power=line (two linear
> > tags) might be unusual (water and electricity generally don't mix ;)
> > but we cannot disallow it.
> That is true, but the "good practice" page in the wiki says "One
> feature, one osm-object". So, noone should be too suprised if a renderer
> is only rendering either the waterway or the powerline.

This is a distinction that will be lost on most casual mappers.  Its
complicated enough for them already.   You are arguing for a scheme where
seemingly arbitrary combinations of tags can or cannot be combined on one
osm-object.  highway=road can be shared with abutters=residential but cannot
be shared with historic=battle because its an area (I'm thinking of things
like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Concord_Retreat.png and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_of_Death both of which are battles that
took place along roads).  Where are these combination rules defined?

Certain tag combination may or may not make sense, but there's no semantics
in place to prohibit them.  While I agree that it is good practice not to
overload an object, renderers need to be tolerant and able to deal with
unexpected tag combinations.


> IMHO renderers should encourage good practices by not being to lax
> in what they render. I am just thinking of the problems arising from web
> browsers trying to render everything that looks vaguely like html.
>        Christoph (Xoff)
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