Gert Gremmen wrote:
> The serverscript  (see below) could create a web page with the
> temporary accountname as a URL, summarizing all the submitted data,
> for consulting by anyone finding a questionable dataelement. 

Guys, think about one of the most fundamental design principles for robust 
code: Keep it simple.

I would use two mechanisms for a script mass edit

1. Require scripts to use an SSL certificate that is signed by OSM for 

2. As the first step request a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) from the 
OSM server which acts as transaction number for the batch process and tag each 
Object with it

        <tag k='batch_tn' v='3696bf1c-8e1b-11dd-a367-0080ad4205c4' />

when it is submitted. Either by the script itself or, even more secure, by the 
OSM server API.

And when you want to document who did what when, additionally create

<batch cert_id='' script='' timestamp=''>
   <tag k='batch_tn' v='3696bf1c-8e1b-11dd-a367-0080ad4205c4' />



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