Firs, thanks for the feedback.

Peter Miller wrote:
> Given that we now have two web interfaces for routing and two routing
> engines would it make sense to try to standardise the interface? I know
> standards can be a pain, but so can a load of custom interfaces. Is anything
> like this being done?
No, to my knowledge ORS isn't trying to interface with YOURS/Gosmore and 
I don't have plans to try interfacing with ORS. Main reason for me is 
the lack of time to do so; there are so many things to do that 
interfacing with another routeplanner is very low on the to-do list.

> I believe that OpenRouteService uses an OGC standard for their interface. Is
> this what you use? If not is it too big, heavy and slow, or is it just not
> suitable or what?
> If it is usable then possibly you could put a wrapper around the routing
> engine you are using so that you can use the same interface as ORS. If you
> did that then you could possibly let people choose the routing engine they
> prefer and then possibly someone else might come out with a better routing
> engine with the same API and it would also be getting very interesting :)
I've looked at it once briefly and found it too bulky, difficult to 
understand (much like GML for instance) and failed to see the direct 
benefits for YOURS. My goal was to provide usable routing worldwide in 
the shortest timespan and (imho) succeeded in that. Implementing heavy 
protocols does not fit that picture. The current one is very simple and 
works as Nic explained. However, OGC might very well be the protocol of 
choice for YOURS in the future.

> Anyway, thanks for what you have been doing. I am listening and
> experimenting. I have been tweeking the tagging in my home town each week to
> improve the routing using YOURS. It is still coming up with some weird
> routes that I can explain and I will report them to you if I become sure it
> isn't my fault. The details at the bottom of the page that report the
> dataset version is very useful. An RSS feed to this would be handy, as would
> more frequent updates if you can manage it. I find the weekly cycle of
> testing, changing, waiting means that problems take some time to get sorted.
> Mind you it is the same with Mapnik and the Cycle mapping.
I think it's wonderful that YOURS is used as a dataset validator, 
however be careful not to tag towards wanted route results for the same 
reasons why we discourage people to tag towards the way we like things 

It might be better to list weird routes on a wiki page and find out if 
there are core problems that need to be solved or that tagging should be 
improved. I did not have the time this weekend to do anything regarding 
YOURS, so that wiki page isn't up yet.

I'm currently working towards more frequent updates. Hardware limits 
will determine the update frequency in the near future, not planet 
updates. I reckon it will be somewhere near once a day, perhaps once per 
two days. Also using 'via-s' and directions are being worked on as well 
as a nice new interface. So stay tuned ;-)

Also, ORS is an academic project where multiple people are (were?) 
working on and YOURS is a hobby project: all work that has to be done in 
the spare evening hours. Progress will be sometimes slow especially if 
big changes (like OGC) are required. As said, I think YOURS will become 
OS when I think it's base is good enough to have others develop on it as 
well and I still have to decide under which license.

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