Jonathan Bennett wrote:
> elvin ibbotson wrote:
>> Steve,
>> It looks like fakeSteveC or someone is pretending to be you and posting
>> elitist, patronising, condescending rubbish in an apparent attempt to
>> make you look foolish. I look forward to it being demonstrated that
>> 'most people don't know what coordinates are'.
>> elvin ibbotson
> "Most people" is not:
> Most people on this mailing list
> Most people who contribute to OSM
> Most people involved in GIS
> Most people who know some programming
> "Most people" is the man, woman or child in the street, many of whom
> will never have picked up a paper map, and will certainly never have
> tried to take coordinates from one.
> Got a printed UK Road Map? Open it to any page -- where are the coordinates?

You mean you want to have the site tailored for most people who will 
never use it??
or for the people who do?

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