2008/10/8 Philip Homburg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> In your letter dated Wed, 8 Oct 2008 15:29:14 +0100 you wrote:
>>The OSM homepage keeps up to date with OpenLayers, putting the coord
>>display will be fairly trivial. The most difficult part will probably
>>deciding where to put them so they don't annoy those who do not wish
>>to use them.
> It didn't work for me.
> I tried adding 'map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition());'
> to a copy of the www.openstreetmap.org main page. See
> http://stereo.hq.phicoh.net/maps/osm/

You need to set the displayProjection parameter on the control to get
it to give you lat/lons.
eg: map.addControl(new

Thomas Wood

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