Frederik Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> This is something I constantly preach on talk-de: We aim to be the 
> geodatabase to end all geodatabases. Not the web mapping platform to end 
> all web mapping platforms.

Yes, I know you and others have pointed that out many times.  And
others have noted that the name of the project and the wiki start page
do not suggest that the project is only about collecting data.

> Everyone has different preferences, but it is just about conceivable 
> that all of us together build a giant database with which everybody is 
> more or less happy. - On the other hand, it would be absolutely 
> impossible to create the web map that everybody likes.

And the same is true for other aspects of the project.

> And we don't have to! We are NOT a web map. As soon as we're popular 
> enough any many people have set up map displays of one kind or another, 
> we just kill the map display and just do API. We 
> don't need revenue, visits, user counters, advertising click-throughs on 
> As RichardF pointed out: Let us *encourage* 
> people to make their own cool web map from our data instead of trying to 
> impose one view onto all! This capability is one thing that sets us 
> apart from the others.

Encouraging people to make their own map does not necessarily mean
that OSM can not have its own version of a cool web map.  As long as
there are people within OSM who are willing to maintain it I see
nothing wrong with that. 

I agree that we don't need web hits or revenue, but a good map is the
best showcase for the project I can think of.  Why rely on others to
provide that?  IMHO not the API needs to be popular but a cool map to
promote OSM to a broad public.  The bare data is only for a very small
number of people of interest.


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