On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 7:29 PM, David Earl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 13/10/2008 18:24, Frederik Ramm wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Of course, sitting up you own slippy map is easier than setting up
>>> Windows, almost anybody can do that.  But a bunch of people each
>>> settign up their own map that implements the feature they care most
>>> about is not a very user friendly solution, either.
>> This is something I constantly preach on talk-de: We aim to be the
>> geodatabase to end all geodatabases. Not the web mapping platform to end
>> all web mapping platforms.
>> Everyone has different preferences, but it is just about conceivable
>> that all of us together build a giant database with which everybody is
>> more or less happy. - On the other hand, it would be absolutely
>> impossible to create the web map that everybody likes.
>> And we don't have to! We are NOT a web map. As soon as we're popular
>> enough any many people have set up map displays of one kind or another,
>> we just kill the www.openstreetmap.org map display and just do API. We
>> don't need revenue, visits, user counters, advertising click-throughs on
>> www.openstreetmap.org. As RichardF pointed out: Let us *encourage*
>> people to make their own cool web map from our data instead of trying to
>> impose one view onto all! This capability is one thing that sets us
>> apart from the others.
> We're not at that point yet though. And even if we were, it's much
> easier to find openstreetmap than all its derivative projects.
> I've always been a bit troubled by the inequity that is given to Mapnik
> by the openstreetmap home page. In general people should be able to make
> up their own mind between osmarender, cyclemap, mapnik and others. These
> are examples of derivative projects. So is Potlatch for that matter. So
> is informationfreeway.
> OTOH, the pictorial map gives the project a much more concrete feel. The
> idea of abstract data is really hard for most people to grasp.
> Perhaps, therefore, the home page should be more of an introduction to
> the project with an index to applications using it. It needn't be as
> bald as that in how it is presented, and the slippy maps can be
> prominent. For people what it means is the pictorial map is one level
> down, even though it may actually be hosted on another site. Or not.

I presume you mean similar to some of the national sites people have
set up? ie. www.openstreetmap.de / ca for what I reckon are the better
I particularly like the Showcase section on the german site (see south
african site at org.za for at least a partial translation).


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