"Tristan Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Given that SI units are standard across OSM could be define a "speed" value
> in addition to "Numeric" "String" etc like so:
> (default to kmh as specified before (also means not adding millions of
> pointless "kmh" strings to the db)
> Factor means "multiply by this to convert to SI - interpreters would either
> use value as-is or multiply by Factor for that suffix to get SI units.
> "Suffix" is the entire string after the numerical value, with whitespace
> trimmed - so spaced/not spaced suffix wouldn't matter - defining this
> rigidly would be ignored by most users, i suspect
> My proposed table:
> Unit - Factor
> "" - 1
> "kmh" - 1
> "mph" - 1.609
> "knots" - 1.852
> Not sure if any other units are in (common) use? Can someone check tagwatch?

Maybe we need to support scientific notation in case someone wants to
add maxspeed for the LHC...


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