On Tuesday 14 October 2008, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > Tagging a road as something implies certain rules, surely, and only
> > when those rules are different from the standard (for that country)
> > should you need to say so. Same as the oneway=no discussion that
> > went on previously.
> All those discussions about cycleways, motorway_link, maxspeed,
> etc... seem to point at the same problem: on the one hand, the
> authors should need to enter as little info as possible, and as close
> to the "on the ground data" as possible, which means that it should
> elide all the data that's available from context (local laws and
> customs); and on the other hand, users of the data want it to be in a
> much more regular form, without having to worry about the customs
> used in any particular part of the world.
> So, I think we should split the data in the following way:
> 1 - the user-written data, as close as possible to what's available
> on the ground.
> 2 - a bunch of "locales", defined by the land they cover (typically
>     countries, states, provinces, ...).
> 3 - a set of rules that say how to interpret the raw data for
>     specific locales.
> 4 - A library that takes the above 3 and generates a "clean" output,
>     indendent from any local laws and customs.

I think I've been mentioning a thing like this for quite some time now. 
Things we need would be:

* a set of "common tags" that could be used all over the world, but 
allow countries to discard/introduce some. This is mainly to not have 
different tags for the same thing in each country. This should be done 
for things like
** vehicle types
** special highway types (although I guess it's best to do that with a 
new highway_type tag for now)

* a formally defined access structure, without any possible ambiguity. I 
tried starting this for quite some time now: 
with unambiguously defined rules to parse them.

* a default set of rules that map "tags" to that structure, and 
additional sets for each country (or smaller region if necessary) that 
can override that default set of rules.
** By "tags" I mean anything from highway=cycleway to 
access=destination, or additional tags like 

I understand some don't like country specific rules, but I think this is 
much better than translating each and every traffic sign to the full 
list of access rules which will always introduce problems when a 
country changes some specific traffic rules for those signs. Just like 
you wouldn't tag the default maximum speed.


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