paul youlten wrote:
> The difference between pubs and restaurants is a getting a bit
> blurred. But not so much between pubs and cafes.
> In the UK pubs have to be licenced with the local council and usually
> have restricted opening hours (i.e: they are not normally allowed to
> sell alcohol before 11am). They also have to comply with national and
> local legislation which can include things like not being within a
> certain distance of a school, not allowing people under 16 years to
> enter the premises unaccompanied and not being operated by someone who
> is a convicted criminal.
> Cafes are not usually licenced to sell alcohol and are simply
> regulated by the local authority's food hygiene office. If a cafe or
> restaurant wants to sell alcohol they have to apply for a licence just
> like a pub or a restaurant. There used to be lots of rules about
> restaurants not being allowed to have a "bar" where customers  could
> sit and consume drinks and there was a rule about them only being
> allowed to serve alcohol with meals; but most of these laws were
> repealed under the Licencing act 2003.

Of cause the opening hours rules were relaxed a lot - I think in the 2003 
revision? Certainly now pubs COULD open 24 hours, but the local authority can 
( I think ) apply restrictions. The 11PM closing time in law was removed so 
local authorities have to make a good case to oppose an application?

But people seem to be missing another fundamental difference that someone in 
the UK probably takes foregranted? If I want breakfast then I'm most likely to 
look for a 'Caf' - Restaurants tended to be open only midday and evening. 
Someone coming in from outside and using a hotel would be served breakfast in 
the hotels restaurant but non-residents would only normally use that for 
breakfast if joining another resident of the hotel ( or they have money 
burning holes in their pockets ;) ). This is another 'rule' that has been 
eroded over time, but is probably one that would be subconsciously used if 
looking on a map for somewhere to eat?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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