On Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 01:31:54PM +0100, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> > Good luck steaming up community pressure for Apple opening up on stuff
> > that they have taken from the PD. It is not going to happen.
> http://www.opensource.apple.com/darwinsource/10.5.5/

Most software on that list, sir, is virally licensed...

But you are missing the point anyway :

It is not about what they have released. But about what they don't want
to release...

To bring the discussion back to maps : imagine a GSM provider that wants
to show coverage on a map. They export their private GIS data of
signal strength and merge it with OSM, create a low resolution image of
the resulting map and stick that on their website. My ideal license
would force them to divulge their private GIS data on signal strength
used to generate the map so that the community can provide a high
resolution map with signal strengths of all providers so that I as a
consumer can decide which provider is best for the area where I live...

Again, here my point of using a 'severe' license is not for what they
want to release (the low level version) but what they don't want to
release (the high resolution data)

cu bart

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