Errr... Let's get back to our bus company?

Of course they CAN use PD data from OSM, add their layer
and publish it, not sharing their data... but that will cost them.

Any change in the PD data requires repeating their work for them
to be up to date. Whereas just putting their bus stops into OSM
means that all they have to do is *nothing* to update their online map
and *just make a printout* for paper version. Which one is cheaper?

And there is more. They become interested for at least part of the map
being up to date and they have no one to demand it from. So it pays
to give a few minutes and correct the PD map... or they have to
pay someone for the map and THEN demand.

As for freedom (or Freedom ;-) ) - I like the idea that we give away our
knowledge for everyone for free and they are free to do whatever they
want to. If someone can make money on it - it's just the better.
That means, that there are people willing to pay for access then e.g.
search for it themselves. Who will bring our gift to them? Bob Myers?
(no offence intended) It seems that Bob Myers has something more
interesting to do. So let's let some greedy guy do that or it won't be done
at all. And this hypothetical greedy guy is in situation even worse
than the bus company - he get's paid for the data, so he is demanded
to keep it up to date. That means that people who otherwise wouldn't see
the OSM, now unwillingly create a pressure on some greedy guy
to keep it up to date. Let's let them.

I contribute to OSM and I don't expect anyone that uses my contribution
to contribute as well. Some of them will anyway for that reason or other.
So much the better.

+1 for PD ;-)


-- ==> Gardzi miodem - szalony!                         <== --
-- ==>                                  -- Kubus Puchatek  <== --

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