On Oct 26, 2008, at 5:50 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

> Brett Henderson has offered to look into creating the dailies from  
> history as well, but I don't know about the status of that.
> If you use osmosis, it is safe (and in fact recommended) that, after  
> loading the database with a planet file initially, you should load  
> that same day's diff file as the first diff, creating a clean cutoff  
> point. It is possible that the same is not working with osm2pgsql, I  
> have no experience there.

What is the difference between osmosis and osm2pgsql, with regards to  

If I've been maintaining a dataset based on osm2pgsql with the  
provided default.style, would a dataset based on osmosis result in a  
substantially different table structure?


michal migurski- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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