On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 02:38:05PM +0000, James Stewart wrote:

Hi, I am a contributor to the map,but also work in the University in Edinburgh. I have been talking to the people who run the MSc in GIS, they have 140 students, and have to propose potential dissertation projects. Most of the students work on the technology side, programming and developing tools. Has any one got any ideas of the sorts of work that could be done/needs to be done for the OSM project that a post grad student could work?
Just a few random ideas:

- generate "places" tree (i.e. Continent -> Country -> State -> District -> City etc.)
  - Bonus: house numbering
- layering: use several OSM API instances to store (different types of) data (e.g. main API + phone numbers/contact information)
  - add layering support to JOSM
  - CLI tool for accumulating information from different API instances
- CLI tool for splitting and feeding information into different API instances
- relation editing:
- add modular / easily extensible "special purpose" relation editors to JOSM
    - Turn restrictions
    - Bus routes
    - Collected ways
    - ...

CU Sascha


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