>> resolved, see also: https://trac.mapnik.org/ticket/104
> That ticket has nothing to do with the problem we're discussing here ;-)
> The ticket is about how a shield is positioned relative to a POI, but we're
> talking about the positioning of text relative to the shield symbol that
> surrounds it.

Um - no the ticket is regarding position shield and text relative to
each other.  Offsetting relative to the POI is already pressent in

While the ticket creator wanted it for a different purpose (placing
text under a symbol) it can also be used to apply an small vertical
offset in this cases as well to correct the text placement.  Of course
this assumes Steve/Other doesn't find an alternative fix from the xml
before that.

> We don't use shields for POIs anyway, only for linear objects like roads, so
> the issue in the ticket won't affect us at all as far as I can see.

Probably the case.


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