On 3 Nov 2008, at 15:08, Hakan Tandogan wrote:

On Mon, November 3, 2008 14:49, Pieren wrote:
On Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 2:15 PM, David Groom

I'm also surprised that the relation type=boundary is still considered as a proposal in the wiki. Having a quick look on the european statistics
about relations in tagwatch ([1]), the most popular relation "is"
type=boundary (10297), most of them for admin_level=8 (municipalities).
This is an example of "approved" relation which does not require a
vote because it's already widely used.

By the way, are relations guaranteed to be ordered? If not, how could one be sure to stitch all parts of a long border? Do we need a rule like "the
border has to be a unbroken set of ways" like for the coast lines?

Relations are unordered. You could load the relation and all the ways referenced by it, then check to see if each way has another way that has the same start and end nodes, through a process of stitching.


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