Tom Hughes <tom <at>> writes:

> Erik Johansson wrote:
> > On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 7:14 PM, Jukka Rahkonen
> > <jukka.rahkonen <at>> wrote:
> >
> >> I would like to find somebody who believes he/she could make a
 new version of
> >> osm2pgsql Windows binaries.
> >> - user should be able to select the tags to be imported
> > 
> > There is a file called in the current version of
> > osm2pgsql  that allows you to do that. The other two I'm not sure
> > about, API 0.6 should only add "uid=## changeset=###" to all
> > objects.and osm2pgsql should handle that.
> Jukka's message was a bit confused - he knows (judging by the trac 
> ticket he filed) that the current svn code supports the features he 
> asked about. What he really wants is just somebody to compile the 
> current code for windows.


That's right, I have read the notes from svn and judged by that tags can be
selected now, as well as the current code should handle PostGIS connection

Last time it was not exectly the svn code that was used for compiling. The list
of tags to be imported was prolonged by shop, is_in, historic, int_ref,
postal_code, telephone, address and URL.  In addition I remember somehow that
some changes had to be done to the code before it started to work on Windows. I
do not know exactly because I just received the executable, tested and accepted
it but the work that was done there behind remained undocumented as far as I
know. That's one reason why I think that perhaps OpenStreetMap trac could
contain also current osm2pgsql Windows binaries or at least instructions about
how to make them.

PostGIS and osm2pgsql.exe are fine combination even for basic Windows users who
are willing to start using OSM data with all the details in a simple way. Just a
few steps are needed:
- Install PostgreSQL and PostGIS extension with installer
- Donload countywise OSM data from
- Acquire osm2pgsql.exe and run it
- Perhaps install missing Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 runtime components and run
osm2pgsql.exe again
- Learn that you must create PostgreSQL user having the same name than the
logged-in Windows user, switch off the password checking run osm2pgsql.exe for
the third time. 

Only discomfort at the moment is that PostGIS connection is always using the
default parameters and no passwork can be set.  Despite that everything goes
very fast and reliably and I have been very satisfied with the utility. Until
last week when I learned to create large georeferenced Mapnik maps in UTM
projection with a nice utility. I started to play by combining this
Mapnik raster map, other raster maps from various WMS servers and local imagery
as background layers with vector overlays coming from my WFS server. This is
rather a nice and fast way to visualise what ever features there exists in the
database without a need to make the whole load of rendering rules needed for
making a nice map. And because overlays are vectors I can have all the attribute
data available as well. I can already visualise cycleways, footways, streets
without a name, buildings according to their tags etc, but I cannot colour
highways according to max_speed tags or pharmacies according to opening hours,
or cycleways according to the surface tag before I can load a bit more tags into

I would like to make clear that I do not demand any special services for the
Windows users. I understand that this project is running on Linux and that
osm2pgsql is done for Mapnik rendering and it is not meant to be used as a
general OSM data conversion tool. For that purpose having an ogr2ogr driver
would be a better solution. Osm2pgsql.exe is just damn fast in importing OSM
data into PostGIS in Windows environment and therefore I am, if not so very
willing, but anyway ready to pay for the kind developer who would add those two
missing features.

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