On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 12:06 PM, Rahkonen Jukka
> Some findings:
> - Old program gave positive OSM_IDs for features created from relations while 
> the new seems to give them negative values.  Obviously the code has been 
> changed in between.  I guess and hope that this change makes OSM_ID as unique 
> identifier so it can be used as a primary key in the imported PostGIS tables. 
> Until now I have been forced to create a new OID field for primary key.

Nope, because some OSM features translate to more than one postgis
feature and so they get the same OSM id.

> - There are some features that are not imported at all by the new version. At 
> least areas with tag shop=supermarket and no other tags except name (way 
> 4881398). It does not appear on Mapnik map either, so the program works for 
> me in the similar way than in Mapnik slippy map production.

Is the shop tag mentioned in the style config?

> For me it looks like it is safe to use the new osm2pgsql.exe, but only in 
> slim mode.

Non-slim mode is basically fine as long as you don't need anything
with relations, otherwise...

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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