On 17/11/2008 17:22, Jack Challen wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd quite like to be able to search for "$sometown train station".

That would be because I'm British and we talk about Railway Stations 
here :-). Well, used to - the Americanization is taking over. But of 
course it won't work if you look for Railway Station either. Oh dear.

> "$sometown station" works, but the addition of the word train breaks
> it. A quick look at svn suggests that it'd be a case of adding "
> 'train station'=>'station'," to synonyms.inc.php, but all the other
> keys are single words, so I'm not sure.

I'm sure it's easily solvable. It's a while since I looked so I can't 
remember off-hand, but I plan to revisit some nemaefinder stuff soon.

> Any thoughts? (Apart from "get over it, muppet" :) ).

I wouldn't dream of saying that. No, it's a very sensible suggestion.

> [Posted to the list because I couldn't see any "suggestion box"-type
> section on the wiki, and web searches for topics that seemed about
> right turned up nothing]

Please can you submit a trac request - that's the place for tweaks like 
this. trac.openstreetmap.org, log in with your email address, New Ticket 
and then select namefinder in the component and assign it to me (my 
email address). Thanks.

The problem is not so much making the change, but revisiting all the old 
data to update the index. I plan to take the system down and reload the 
planet file over Christmas (it will take at least a week),and that will 
be a good opportunity to add minor tweaks like this.


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