On 24/11/2008 14:46, Erik Johansson wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 12:36 PM, David Groom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Of course the "correct" way would be to tag them as place=barangay and
>>> we will do so from now on.  Can we request the renderers to render
>>> them the same as place=village?
>>> Or any other ideas?
>> Yes, keep tagging them as place=village.
>> This tag is used to denote any settlement of "village" size.  It doesn't
>> imply that in the local language such settlements are called "villages".
> Please tag it is as place=Barangay.
> It isn't pragmatic but the current solution is only convenient. You
> loose a lot if you don't allow local languages. It almost works in
> anglofied countries, but it's not optimal, by longshot. It would be
> very easy to tag roads in Sweden if I could say: "väg=riksväg".
> Instead of using an UK created system of tagging.
> Take things like place=Hamlet it is just a sea of troubles, really.
> And perhaps opposing it with tags like barangay, we would end them.
> But I can dream about it.

I'm sure you ought to be able to use väg=riksväg, but there needs to be 
a canonical form, otherwise we have something that is completely 
unmanageable or degenerates into a set of national systems rather than a 
world map. There's a big difference between being able to manage the map 
contents in your own language (good) and proliferating synonyms (bad). 
There's no reason a canonical form should be in UK English (they could 
just be numbers, for example), except that was how it started.

David Groom said barangay is essentially the same as village, so village 
is the tag to use for this. Going off down your own set of tags for 
things is allowed but very unhelpful, and I think it would be unwise for 
barangay to be rendered, as there will then be a flood of tens of 
thousands of tag synonyms needing to be rendered in every language there is.

If it _is_ a fundamentally different thing, then fine, it should have 
its own tag, but settlements of varying sizes are pretty much worldwide.

Better editor (or API) support for different languages is surely a 
better way to go.


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