Just to summarise a bit:

2 major points:
1. If its a barangay then tag them as such, place=barangay
2. Well it is the same as a village, then tag them as place:village
and, add a page in the wiki explaining that the village tag represents
barangay in the Philippines

There's also a suggestion in talk-ph to add admin_level tag:
http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg00133.html


On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 2:41 PM, Elena of Valhalla
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 12:08 AM, Erik Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 4:11 PM, David Earl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Better editor (or API) support for different languages is surely a
>>> better way to go.
>> If everyone here are native english speakers or speaks relatively
>> fluently, and they all take the pragmatic route of using UK centric
>> tagging how is this ever going to happen?
> I am not a native english speaker, but the place for language support
> is the editor, not the API, and the editors are already being
> translated, so it is already happening
> The data however should remain as worldwide consistent as it can and
> to do so it must remain in one language only; maybe uk-en isn't the
> better choice, but there are plenty of worse one, and surely it is
> good enough
>> So Please tag as
>> place=barangay and create a wiki page with a template or some kind of
>> link that says that this is more or less similar to place=village.
> if it is almost a village and needs to be rendered like a village, tag
> it place=village and write a translation for the main editors and the
> main routers that call the preset barangay
>> This would help in making it render, on the main map. If this list of
>> terms that are translated grow big enough there will be people (me)
>> that will be motivated to work on solutions.
> if we go with the localized api way, the list of terms to be
> translated would grow exponentially: why translate "village" and not
> "place"? why keep highway and not the local name? or anything else?
> --
> Elena of Valhalla
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