On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 04:21:34PM +0100, Steven Le Roux wrote:
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Proposal for a map-bug tracker (Openstreetbugs)
> maybe we could provide two version of OSB... ?
> Xav keep www.openstreebugs.org for his simplicity and non-mapper contributors.
> and another version like : advance.openstreebugs.org, which provide an
> advanced mapbugtracker...
> the principal page could invite for users to visite the advanced app
> for better tracking... and improve their tracking skills...

I'd vote for making the OSB as simple as possible - as soon as you
require a login or filling in some drop downs we'll loose Aunt Tilly
with her good local knowledge.

I am trying to get Random Inet User Joe to review the maps and use OSB
to give feedback - this barrier needs to be as low as possible. And i'd
rather close some bogus bug report saying "Wrong!" instead of loosing
90% of our reviewer base ...

Florian Lohoff                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             +49-171-2280134
        Those who would give up a little freedom to get a little 
          security shall soon have neither - Benjamin Franklin

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