On Friday 12 December 2008 17:34:39 Colin McGregor wrote:
> The best arrangement I have seen for street numbers is in Chicago, IL.
> Streets laid out on a grid pattern. On the north/south and east/west
> streets there is a number -> distance link. If you go from say 1 North
> Michigan to 801 North Michigan you will have travelled ~ 1 mile (or if
> you go from 1 to 501 you will have travelled ~ 1 kilometer).
> Toronto, Ontario things are almost as good. Almost all north/south
> street are have the lowest number at the most southern part of the
> street (Toronto being unable to go any further south due to Lake
> Ontario). On east/west streets the lowest number is almost always the
> point closest to Yonge St. (a major north/south street). What Toronto
> doesn't have but Chicago does is the link between street numbers and
> distance...
 Ah, both sound very similar to our system. In Argentina, if you want to go to 
the main city square, you just have to follow the numbers to 0, it's not the 
fastest way, but if you're lost... Here, Avenida Colon 2100 would be 2.1km 
from the street's starting point (which is the main square in my city).

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