On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 9:58 AM, Andrew Chadwick (email lists)
<andrewc-email-li...@piffle.org> wrote:
> Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
>> apologies if this has been brought up before, but some people I have brought
>> into OSM have stumbled across this site:
>> http://www.peterdamen.com/GoogleWMS/
>> and were all set to pollute the OSM database when I stopped them. Can we not
>> convince this gentleman to cease and desist?
> Persuading the author to put up a big reminder at the top of the page
> saying "OSM users: please upload only to private osm-api servers" or
> somesuch might be more useful. The tool is presumably useful outside OSM!

Well even so, it would probably be against the terms of use etc from
Google, and they can ask for it to be taken down, so whilst it may be
useful, it cannot be used...

That saying, whilst it would apply to Google, it wouldn't be for everything.
The tool could be used for other tiled layers - something of much greater use.

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