On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 3:32 PM, Simon Ward <si...@bleah.co.uk> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 03:14:14PM +0100, Gustav Foseid wrote:
> > In addition, I have had a hard time finding anything in Google Earth
> terms
> > that limits tracing, as opposed to Google Maps where this is stated very
> > clearly.
> Just searching for "google earth terms of service" gives (among other
> hits), a combined "Google Maps/Earth Terms of Service" that clearly
> restricts the making of derivative works[1].
> [1]: http://maps.google.com/help/terms_maps.html

Are those really terms for Google Earth and not for Google Maps? I get a
Norwegian translation on that URL, that does not mention Google Earth at

These are the terms I have found for Google Earth:

These mention that you can only use the images in the Software, which I
understand to allow tracing as long as it is done with the Google Earth
trace tool.

 - Gustav
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