On Wed, 7 Jan 2009 15:30:53 +0000
"Douglas Furlong" <douglas.furl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2009/1/7 Mikel Maron <mikel_ma...@yahoo.com>
> >
> > Black Rock City is temporary, one week per year. Each year the city
> > moves to minimize impact on the desert. Next year we'll make a new
> > map.
> >
> > It does raise the question of how to preserve web mapping history.
> > Burning Man is an extreme example of a dynamic world in flux.
> > Burning Man Flickr photos from 2008 only make sense against the
> > 2008 map.
> >
> If you  move every year, then a simple solution would be to Map it
> with the year in which it was done.
> It would be nice if some thing as significant as this was maintained
> in Open Street Map.
> But that's just me.

I have thought about first-class temporal aspects to OSM data for
a while. It has to be classed as a wishlist, for sure, as it's a major
change and a performance impost. It would need to be exposed in the API
for Flickr maps and other mashups, where the map needs to be rendered
as it was.

It would be great for roadworks (can set detours etc. ahead of time if
we know them). Apparently, a new problem for roadworks managers is
drivers using navigation systems which provide routing directions based
on temporarily closed "permanent" roads. What a boon it could be for OSM
to enable these projects to input their time-tagged plans into OSM to
make available to drivers as patches.

Features like circuses were discussed not so long ago. 

I've also thought about historical features. Potentially,
features could be mapped that no longer exist, so that, with the date
metadata, a user could time-travel back with a slider or whatever.

I have some expanded notes somewhere but don't have time to dig them
out right now.


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