2009/1/8 Hendrik T. Voelker <hvoel...@nutrimatic.de>:
> Hendrik T. Voelker wrote:
>> So we have to come up with a way to contain alternating versions with time or
>> other kind of restrictions. This would also allow construction sites to be 
>> mapped.
> ---8<---
> <timecapsule>
>   <frame from="1.1.2009" till="5.1.2009">
>     <node ... />
>     <way ... />
>     <relation ... />
>   </frame>
>   <frame>
>     <!-- default without time frame -->
>   </frame>
> </timecapsule>
> ---8<---
> from and till might need some additional possibilities to describe dates, like
> "First Saturday in March" or "every two years from 1.3. till 9.3." ...
> Cheers
> Hendrik

Surely it's possible within the current data model without resorting
to further complexity. Relations should be able to handle them fairly

Thomas Wood

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