Richard Fairhurst wrote:
> But around here in rural Charlbury, that kind of information is absolutely
> crucial when mapping bridleways. As someone on the wiki pointed out, though,
> the smoothness tag as currently conceived is near as dammit useless for
> these because it offers no chance for differentiating between winter and
> summer.

There's a very good reason for that: Seasonal changes are not a
generally solved problem in OSM, and so smoothness doesn't solve it.

Compare the "access" tag series.  Similarly, I could say "the access tag
is useless because it offers no chance for differentiating between
winter and summer".  Many trails and some roads have different access in
summer vs. winter.  But does that mean that the whole access system is
useless?  No!

Some other new system will be needed to handle seasonal differentiation,
and it'll need to handle seasonal differentiation of all kinds of
features.  Tacking it onto an unrelated tag would be a mistake.

-Alex Mauer "hawke"

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