On 11 Feb 2009, at 11:37, Gert Gremmen wrote:

> On of the comments:
>> I took a look, and blow me down, my road was missing. So I  
>> registered, and tried to add it. I failed. A project that's all  
>> about the people adding the >roads, and I couldn't for the life of  
>> me work out how to add a road.
>> An "Add Road" option, maybe? Oooh nooooo, nothing like that. (I  
>> managed to move a few other roads around accidentally while trying  
>> things, but I think >I managed not to save those changes.)
>> I won't be going back.
> Here we see how a Newbie meets OSM : a missing  "Add Road" option.
> I think he is representative for a lot newbies....
> What can we learn from that ????
> (I suppose he tried Potlatch)
> Could a few small help buttons with  a label readin (add road) leading
> to a basic help page do something for this guy ??
> Or could some macro system help him ?

When you start potlatch there is a welcome screen with the options  
start, play, and help. Once you are beyond that screen there is only  
the "help & wiki" link in the left side bar, which doesn't point to  
any useful help.

I have created:
http://trac.openstreetmap.org/ticket/1584 for RichardF.


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