On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 12:31 PM, Richard Fairhurst
<rich...@systemed.net> wrote:
> If future-Potlatch were
> to become _an_ editor available on the main site rather than _the_ editor,
> I'd be very happy.
> Of course, CloudMade might already be working on this - can anyone from CM
> confirm/otherwise? Would help the rest of us in knowing what to do next.

After 0.6 is out, we're planning on working on OAuth support for the
OSM website. This will, amongst other things, help promote having
editors running on other websites without the third-party-website
asking for OSM credentials. After that I want to figure out how to get
a different version of Potlatch working on opencyclemap.org,
especially with my own set of cycling-related presets.

I think having even just multiple versions of Potlatch working on
different websites will start relieving the pressure of there being
_the_ editor. If we can get other people experimenting with Potlatch
(or even Chris Schmidt's previous Openlayers-based editors) then we'll
get more creativity, and then it's up to the community as to which one
we pick out for the main website. I don't want there to be any
compunction for online editor development being shackled to osm.org
(which potlatch is at the moment, to a great extent).

As for what I think you were really asking, we're really focussed on
our release at the moment, but we're always interested in seeing what
developments in editors there are. As well as advanced stuff (like
Matt's terracing plugin he's been working on) we're also interested in
the ultra-newbie editor stuff you're discussing here, but it's the
enabling technologies like OAuth that we're actively working


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