On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 12:43 PM, GIS <g...@asiaq.gl> wrote:

>  Asiaq Greenland Survey holds a repository of digital geodata:
> orthorectified imagery of towns and villages and overview maps with streets,
> buildings, footpaths, shoreline, lakes etc. They can be seen on
> http://en.nunagis.gl by choosing a town on the drop down box.

Very good news :)

> By a donation we are able distribute data to osm, google and yahoo.

Is there a license text available somwehere?

How do we get further on uploading on osm?

The ortophotos could probably be uploaded to OpenAerialMap.

For the rest of the data, it would probably be best if someone made them
available for easy download?

 - Gustav
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