Gustav Foseid wrote:
>Sent: 16 February 2009 10:29 PM
>To: osm
>Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] "News blog" link - to
>On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 11:17 PM, SteveC <> wrote:
>       As you both know several years of work went in to that blog, and not
>       just by me. Maybe you should both think twice before dismissing it
>For those of us who don't know...
>Who contributes to the news blog? What is the connection between
> and OSM?
> - Gustav

Quite simple really. SteveC started to blog about setting up OSM from the
outset in August 2004. At the time of course Steve was OSM, period. has always been as far as I recall " .a blog about open
maps, geographical data and openstreetmap"

The growing OSM community never created an alternative "announcement" type
blog but many contributors started their own blogs about there lives and OSM
as well as the User Diaries acting as a personal blog space for all.

So the connection is simply that Steve created OSM and the blog around the
same time and the two have been hand in hand ever since. If you want to
understand the history of OSM then a browse through the openstreetmap tagged
entries at is a great way to start.



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