On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Christopher Schmidt
<crschm...@metacarta.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Many city governments in Massachusetts publish their parcel (lot) data
> for free reuse, either individually or through MassGIS. This data is
> appropriately licensed for re-use in OSM, and is informative -- in most
> cases, it has addresses which can be used for geocoding.
> I'm curious as to whether people believe that this data of this type is
> appropriate for upload into OSM.
> There are clear technical reasons why this data might not belong in OSM
> -- the quantity of data is significant, and you can imagine that it
> could create a much larger database. At the moment, I'd rather address
> the social aspect of whether this data is appropriate to upload to OSM.
> A description of the data in question with regard to MassGIS is
> available at:
>  http://www.mass.gov/mgis/parcels.htm
> Looking forward to hearing any and all opinions on this matter.

I'd say the address data definitely while the parcel data might be too
micro at this junction.  However, the parcel is closely bound to the
address and it may be very difficult to associate an area currently in
OSM with the address without the parcels.  It seems like it comes down
to whether or not the parcels are acceptable.



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