
> Looks like Ed was faster than me doing it on the wiki. Also I
> would have
> prefered a bit of talking since some people seams to prefere
> 1/0 rather than
> yes/no

I meant to change it when we discussed it last in the doctors/doctor
thread. At some point in the past before I started mapping it had
been updated to yes/no/-1 to bring the 1/0/true/false alternatives
more in line with all the other yes/no keys, to make it easier for
mappers to learn what values to use. It was set at yes/no/-1 for
ages, and only recently have people started adding the old values
back into Map Features rather than updating the tagging.

I'd argue that perhaps you should try simplifying the stylesheets
and then people will understand why the maplint highlighting was
important... ;)

Sorry. Rather busy at work or I'd have chipped into this thread
sooner. I was actually surprised that the wiki page updated as work
reset my internet connection moments after I clicked submit and I
never got confirmation of it going through.


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