On 27 Feb 2009, at 12:26, Mike Collinson wrote:

> The suggestions re the Use Case page all sound good. Looking at the  
> wiki history page, I assume but cannot absolutely guarentee that  
> review has been made of the version extant 19th Jan (there were then  
> no edits for a month).  I've grabbed a copy of that page and will  
> insert the review comments into that as suggested. Give me till Sat.

Given that the Use Cases will be reviewed again in the consultation  
phase I think it is fair to take a slight guess at that date the  
review happened.

On consideration, do leave the comments you have added to the page on  
there. I would like to spend some time seeing if we can keep the  
version that was consulted on and the legal response on the page in a  
quoteblock, and then also have the current proposed Use Case wording  
that can be tweeked.

None of that stops it being a good idea to have a read-only pdf of the  
Use Cases as presented to the lawyers and their comments.



> Mike
> At 12:52 PM 27/02/2009, Peter Miller wrote:
>> On 27 Feb 2009, at 10:09, Grant Slater wrote:
>>> The OSMF License Working Group is excited and pleased to announce  
>>> the
>>> completion of legal drafting and review by our legal counsel of the
>>> new
>>> proposed license, the Open Database License Agreement (ODbL).
>> Thank you for your work to date; clearly a lot of work has gone into
>> this.
>> We will now pass this information to our own legal people for review.
>> We will publish their response to the community as soon as it is
>> available. If we have any interim questions we will post those to the
>> list as well.
>> I have a question about how we manage the Use Cases wiki page during
>> the consultation phase... The legal people have responded to one set
>> of Use Cases (excellent news indeed), however the wiki can be changed
>> at any time so the legal view will become out-of-date as the Use Case
>> text is updated.
>> Can I suggest that a separate .pdf document is published which
>> contains the Use Case version that was actually consulted on and the
>> response from the legal people to that version? I suggest that we  
>> then
>> revert the Use Case wiki page to the version prior to the legal
>> comment being added and that we then update the text for the Use  
>> Cases
>> in response to this feedback we have received.
>> We should then possibly seek a further review of any Use Cases where
>> the text has been altered (the WIki 'diff' feature will allow us to
>> identify which Use Cases have updated between the date that the legal
>> people took their initial version and the current version).
>> I also suggest that we delete the ' A brief for the proposed SA
>> licence ' section of the Use Case page as that is now historical, it
>> may not actually reflect the license and is a distraction (note  
>> that I
>> was the main author of it, so no one should be offended by doing  
>> that!).
>> Regards,
>> Peter Miller
>> ITO World Ltd
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