
SteveC wrote:
> Very unlikely, derived individual coordinates are facts. I've asked  
> multiple lawyers about this personally.

There is a popular project in Switzerland called openaddresses.ch. What 
they do is they display Google Aerial imagery and ask contributors to 
identify individual houses and assign house numbers. The typical OA 
contributor actually walks along the road much like an OSM mapper does, 
and notes down house numbers, but the coordinates are later derived - 
manually and individually by the person who walked the street - from the 
aerial image.

We have until now been reluctant to import OA data because many people 
in OSM felt that these might be "tainted", although OA does not see it 
this way and would happily make their data available.

Do you think we could, cautiously, go ahead and evaluate a possible 
import of their data in the light of what you've written above? They 
have already collected around 150k addresses.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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