> I want to correct something here, there is this view of 100,000 users
> needing consent. The number is in fact far smaller for people who ever
> made an edit (about 30% of the users). It's vastly smaller still for
> anyone who has edited anything significant. It's an easier problem

Considering the 'derived data', the damage may be more than just few
insignificant nodes. If someone uncontactable creates a node that
later gets used as crossing point of three major roads, their tiny
contribution could lead to deletion of all three roads cause of
derived data (no matter how many of these three roads were drawn by
the man who created the node). Disagreement from (or unsuccessful
attempts to contact) one person that made "cosmetic" changes (like
changing from highway=minor to highway=residential) to many streets in
london in early days of this project could lead easily to deleting (or
reverting to ancient version) half of downtown London for example.


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