On 05/03/09 10:56, Dair Grant wrote:
> People have been talking about the licence issue for years (literally; there
> was an hour-long panel about it at SOTM 2007), and we have nothing to show
> for it other than a large number of "I'm not a lawyer, but..." threads.
> We know there are issues with the current licence, and there will be issues
> with ODbL 1.0 as well.

But, hopefully, not issues of the same magnitude.

> But having that in front of us, in a final form, gives us a choice: is this
> suitable for what we want, or not?

Say we declared it 1.0 today. At the moment, IMO it's not suitable. So 
we'd carry on the discussion and eventually have a 1.1. How is this any 
better than waiting to get 1.0 more right?

> I would be happy to have a bad 1.0 out sooner which was rejected by OSM
> (perhaps accepted by some other community, who knows), than a perfect 1.0
> which never arrived.

That's a false dichotomy - those aren't the choices.


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