Hi all,

I know the discussion lately have been towards agreeing about an OSM license, and probably this is not the best time to ask this question. But I came across Corine Land Cover 2000 datasets and I want to make sure that they can be use in OSM. The organization behind CLC 2000 is European Environment Agency (EEA) and the website where the dataset is available have some legal information like:
1. on the page http://www.eea.europa.eu/legal/copyright
"/Unless otherwise indicated, the information available from this site is within the public domain. Public domain information on the EEA web pages may be downloaded free of charge, and reproduced provided the source is acknowledged^* .
//^* Citing this website"/

2. on the page http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/landuse/clc-download from where you can download the datasets, in the tab "My details" where is the following notice: "/The information available in this application is under copyright of EEA and within the public domain. Public domain information in this application may be used free of charge, provided the source is acknowledged. The acknowledgment should read (c) EEA, Copenhagen, 2007/"

So my opinion is that we can use data from CLC 2000 as long as we add the source as a tag to each imported element. So you see any problems in using this dataset?

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