Hi Chippy,

The idea of the business day is to promote OSM and opengeodata to potential
users.  The business day is not so much about letting OSM solution providers
promote their products.  We want to focus on the bigger issues - why OSM is
important to consumers of geodata, why crowd sourcing is the way forward,
reliability of OSM etc.  We are planning a "10 of the best" session - a one
hour slot that would let startups and small businesses pitch their solution
to the audience.

The SOTM organizing committee are currently finalizing the themes and
agenda, but this is what we are looking like at the moment:

Suggested Themes:

   - Crucially Independent - Why an independent third data source is vital
   for consumers of geodata
   - The Crowd Sourced Advantage - What is crowd sourcing and how does it
   relate to map data?
   - Safe and Secure - Delivering reliable, high quality products and
   services with OSM data
   - Serving the Public - Using OSM data to provide better services to
   citizens in Local and National Government

*Criteria for Choosing Speakers*

   - World leader in a field that is directly relevant to a theme
   - Senior level in a company that is contributing to the themes of the day

*Target Audience*

   - Execs and senior management from mobile handset manufacturers, network
   operators, transport consultancies, national and local government, web
   portals, navigation providers and other ISVs using mapping data
   - Professional cartographers, GIS analysts and statisticians
   - Owners of start-ups and small businesses who use or are considering
   using mapping data
   - OSMers (of course ;-) )

Concept program

   - Show the problem - why do you need crowd sourced data?
   - Introduce the solution - OSM - crowdsourced, reliable, up to date
   - Give examples - people using OSM data
   - Discussion panel - panel made up of leading speakers for the day

The quick answer is that you should first submit to the weekend conference,
via the online form.  When the Biz Day is finalised (in the next few days)
you can always re-submit or submit a second paper.


On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 2:21 PM, Tim Waters (chippy)

> 2009/3/16 Nick Black <nickbla...@gmail.com>:
> > That's right - there's only 117 days until we start SOTMizing in
> Amsterdam.
> >
> > Details of the Call for Papers are here:
> >
> http://www.stateofthemap.org/2009/03/16/call-for-papers-for-the-stateofthemap-2009-is-now-open/
> >
> > You can buy an early bird ticket for the recession beating price of € 85
> > here until the 29th March: http://www.stateofthemap.org/register-now/
> Could you clarify the call for papers and the Business Day - there
> doesn't seem to be a way to just submit a paper to one or the other,
> or to give a preference.
> From what I gather, the differences are not just Serious Business on
> one day vs Fun Geeky Community stuff - there's cross over, right?
> Might we have to submit two talks, one about how you can make serious
> money using X for Friday, and one about the ins and outs of how X was
> made for the weekend?
> Could we see certain talks repeated, say, from a celebrity speaker,
> generous sponsor, etc?
> Tim

Nick Black
talk mailing list

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