Russ Nelson wrote:

> Okay, taking you somewhat more seriously now, the ideology that 
> Ted is driving is that everything in OSM should be editable by 
> everyone,

This part sounds like the very core of the wiki idea, and not at 
all extremist.

> and nobody has any better edits to make than anyone else, and 
> everybody gets an equal vote, and if you change something and I 
> change it back, well, those are just two votes and who are you 
> to override me or me override you, and when somebody moves a way 
> five miles long over by one hundred feet and screws up hundreds 
> of roads, well, that was just an edit, and how can an edit be 
> wrong?

I don't think anybody suggested this.

> I exaggerate to make a point, obviously.

It's obvious that you do, but it's not obvious what your point is.

> As far as I can see, there is no reputation mechanism whereby 
> experienced editors stand out from the noob editors, and the 
> latter are reluctant to change the former's edits.  And by 
> definition if I don't know about it, it doesn't exist.

This sounds pretty much like somebody who grew up with Britannica 
and learned about Wikipedia yesterday.  Welcome to the Internet!

> In hindsight, I think that I proposed "immutable=yes" as a 
> primitive and binary reputation mechanism.  If anybody has any 
> better ideas, I'd love to hear them.

Here's an idea: Let's make OpenStreetMap the free wiki world map.

  Lars Aronsson (
  Aronsson Datateknik -

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