Richard Mann wrote:
> Map Features says that highway=cycleway should be used for ways that are
> mainly/exclusively for bicycles. Does that mean that all those cycleways in
> the Netherlands have (implicit) footways alongside, or that there are so few
> pedestrians that the way can be regarded as "mainly" for bicycles, or that
> they tag them as cycleways even though there are a fair number of
> pedestrians?

Well, pedestrians are allowed to walk on any road if there is no pavement or
cycleway next to it (exceptions are motorways and the use of a sign barring
pedestrians) and are always allowed to walk on cycleways.
And as we all have a bike, cycling is more common than walking.
It is certainly not that a cycleway usually has a footway next to it. On the
contrary, it usually does not.

As the term "bridleway" is uncommon in the Netherlands (there are paths
designated as "horseback route", but they are not limited to horses and
pedestrians) I would tag such a way as track in the Netherlands.
A track does not ban any specific traffic, that would have to be put in tags.


> On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Someoneelse
> <>wrote:
>> Richard Mann wrote:
>> > Only the British
>> > use "bridleway". The Dutch have markedly few footways (which probably
>> > indicates "cycleway" is being used quite loosely).
>> My recollection of both urban and rural bits of the Netherlands is that
>> there actually are fewer footways than cycleways - I've had a look at
>> the map of a couple of bits that I'm familiar with (Maarssen,
>> Scherpenzeel and the German border near Enschede FWIW) and (with a
>> couple of exceptions) what's mapped matches pretty much I'd expect to be
>> if the same feature were mapped in the UK.
>> My experience of the Netherlands, Germany and Scandinavia is that it's
>> the UK that's the odd one out in having fewer cycleways than the norm
>> for northwestern Europe.
>> Obviously this has no bearing on whether a particular route in Oxford
>> should be labelled as a bridleway or a cycleway (I've never been there
>> and can't comment).  Maybe arrange a meeting in a local pub and have a
>> show of hands?
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