
> I had one of the organisers ask me on Saturday at GLLUG, as they were
> wanting a mapping track.

Great. Makes sense to work together then.

> Have all the house numbers been added?

Erm. No. But the conference will be based in the City centre. Unless
we are willing to take groups out into the closer suburbs this is

> How about a check the data mapping party? Or find something that has
> changed since it was last mapped?

Off the top of my head I don't know of any major developments in the
Birmingham area. I can imagine that "checking the data" would be
slightly tedious for those not already involved.

> How far afield do people come from to go to this event?

It's a UK wide event. However the venue moves around the country, so
we may only get Midlands based members.

> A hack day to make it easier to edit the data?

That could be very possible. What kind of features would we want?


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