it seems the geofabrik job today got stuck. still some countries
missing, german bundesländer not calculated.

i just checked croatia and denmark. denmark misses 17 of 1400 nodes that
i would have needed for a certain check.

On Mon, 2009-04-27 at 11:52 +0200, Etienne Chové wrote:
> Frederik Ramm a écrit :
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Gary68 wrote:
> >> just wanted to use a planet slice from geofabrik and noticed that in
> >> bremen.osm.bz2 at least 4 referenced nodes are missing:
> > 
> > Osmosis now exports incomplete objects by default, rather than clipping 
> > them. One has to explicitly request clipping which is what I've done for 
> > tonight's job, so expect old-style clipped files tomorrow.
> I think today france extract still have the same problem :
> % grep "\"12631399\"" france.osm
>      <nd ref="12631399"/>
> This node is used in a way but not declared.

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