2009/5/5 Frederik Ramm <frede...@remote.org>:
> Please: Wikimapia, or even Wikipedia or OpenAerialMap may be on the
> other side of *our* definition of acceptable, but that does not make
> them any less free, or make them second-rate projects. It is time to
> bury that childish "but we are cleaner than you" rivalry.

I very much agree about OpenAerialMap -- if we can't trust the
OpenAerialMap contributors about the licensing why should any person
in OSM trust any other OSM contributor rather than start redrawing
everything they can from scratch and only trust their own

On a different note, I was told on talk-es that tagzania.com (a
wikimapia lookalike) got a confirmation from Google that their use of
Google imagery for drawing stuff over it and tagging stuff, is within
the limits of the TOS. (don't quote me on this)


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