
I'm curious about that shapefile that needs some stretching. Assuming its name 
is filename.shp, try to type this:

ogrinfo -geom=NO filename.shp filename

what is the output?

Juan Lucas



                Hello Frederik,
                thanks for your hint. Yes, i know about projections.  Actually, 
i reprojected
                the rester images of "blue marble" from a form of WGS84 to 
                with an own program.
                But as i've heard it, world_boundaries_m is "defect".  But as 
an overlay
                to represent the boundaries it would be ok.  If that 
information was a
                misunderstanding and could be fixed with the right projection 
that would be
                If i use shoreline_300 instead, the projection is perfectly 
fine, but if you
                try to render it _not_filled_ with a LineSymbolizer instead of a
                PolygonSymbolizer, you get some disturbing "plates".  But the 
                is fine.
                A ShapeFile contains the "source SRS" inside it, right?  When 
                world_boundaries_m and shoreline_300 i used the same "target 
                But the result leads to different positions on the final map.
                Does that mean that world_boundaries_m is defect?
                Is there a way to "fix" it somehow?  Or would scaling be 
                Best regards,
                > Hi,
                > Torsten Mohr wrote:
                > > I have a ShapeFile that seems to be incorrect, scaling it 
in Y-direction
                > > could make it fit the background.
                > Do you have a basic understanding of coordinate projections? 
If not,
                > you'd be well advised to spend a few hours reading on the 
subject (start
                > with Wikipedia, take it from there).
                > You need to find out which projection your shapefile is in, 
and then set
                > the correct one in your map file, and things are likely to 
work. Simply
                > stretching the data from the shapefile is very unlikely to 
yield the
                > desired results - you will probably find that the stretch 
factor that
                > makes Iceland and the Equator fit will still have France out 
of place.
                > Bye
                > Frederik
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